“When I was a kid I wondered if the people that work on TV would walk through the electricity cable until the magic box to entertain us. I wondered also if I would switched it off, maybe they could get trapped inside. It seemed to me quite an evil Idea, until the moment I started to perceive their gestures and words in a different way. Maybe now I think it would no longer be an evil thing to do.” Mariana Amorim
nun is showing the performance-installation Speeches, developed by the choreographer Mariana Amorim in collaboration with the music composer Tom Holman-Sheard.
This performance was developed in 2016 during the Portuguese presidential election. The artists analyzed the 10 candidates’ speeches featured on TV during the campaign. They focused on the specificity of their gestures, the sound and meanings of key words such as democracy, people, unemployment, emigration, European Union or refugees, as well as their different concepts according to their varying political agendas. Speeches performs a paralanguage by appropriating, reproducing and repeating this material infinitely until new forms of perception arise.
Supported by:
Aulas de Dança Contemporânea
Início 7 de Março de 2017
Todas as terças-feiras às 19h.
Yoga sobre o Porto (rua das carmelitas 100 3e)
Palcos Instáveis - Teatro Municipal do Campo Alegre
As Cabras (Bitches)
collaboration work with Flávio Rodrigues
11th February 2017
Palcos Instáveis - Teatro Municipal do Campo Alegre - Porto